
Blank Doc with Blank Sheet

Build your own custom project with this blank doc and blank, linked sheet. 


If you are just leaning and exploring the StartDeck platform, check out the ‘Demo Doc’ template here. It contains examples of document merge fields, sheet merge fields, calculated fields, image fields, Google Maps and more. 


Tip: There are several items in the Content Library that can give you a jump start on building your document or template.

  • Client/Vendor Fields - a full set of Client and vendor fields with name, title, address, email and more.
  • Miscellaneous Fields - a set of fields with each field type that can be further customized.




How to Get Help


Custom Templates and Projects

Are you building from scratch because we do not have what you are looking for in our Template Library

If so, let us know. If we think your template has appeal to a broad audience, we will build it for you.